Backup  - Automatic File Cleanup
We are using the specific file backup to save off user data such as the document libraries and the desktop. Not the system image. The files are backed up to a network shared drive. The problem is that that it appears to keep creating backups (incremental daily and then full backups once a week) For instance the data I need backed up is about 8.5 gb yet my backup size according the "Backup and Restore is 35 gb" Is there a way to tell Windows to only save one full backup or only use a XX gb of space? From what I've read it will allow each user to use 30% of our 2TB space which obviously will not work. It would be nice if it was like XP backups and allowed you to overwrite your previous backup, or once a full backup is taken to delete the old one something like that? We need something that is automatic rather than having each user go in and delete specific backup sets. Thanks, Justin
November 11th, 2009 3:53pm

Hi Justin,Thanks for trying feedback. Good feedback, but as of now, Windows backup does not support automatic pruning of backups based on retention ranges. We will consider it for future releases. Windows7 backup has a feature called 'Manage space' that you can use to manage the space on thetarget disk. more details. Hope this helps you.Thanks,Sneha[MSFT]
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November 12th, 2009 12:50pm

Sneha, So has this been added as an enhancement request then? At a minimum the file backup should have the same settings as the system image where you can tell it to only keep the last system image. Or it should allow you to say keep 1,2,3,4,all backup sets for users. By saying that you can go manage the space yourself would not work for an enterprise wide backup solution for users. Thanks, Justin
November 12th, 2009 3:20pm

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